EVENT LOCATION: Crowne Plaza Minneapolis West Hotel, 3131 Campus Drive, Plymouth, MN (hotel website)
WEBSITE: https://www.minnstate.edu/cte-works-summit

THEME: This year’s Summit centers on a deceptively simple yet profoundly impactful theme: Listening.

In a noisy world, listening is not passive - it’s an intentional act of leadership. Turn down the volume and tune in to the voices that matter most—the people we serve. Together, let’s amplify the power of listening to transform education, strengthen communities, and shape a more connected future for career and technical education in Minnesota.

Why listening, and why now?
  • The pace of change continues to accelerate. To adapt and innovate effectively, we must listen closely to the needs, challenges, and aspirations of those we serve.
  • The most impactful solutions often come from those closest to the problems. Listening amplifies voices that have too often been marginalized and overlooked.
  • Data speaks volumes - if we’re attuned to hear it. Sharpening our listening skills helps us glean actionable insights from the wealth of information at our fingertips.
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Tuesday, November 19

10:10am CST

Using Youth-centered Design to Improve Racial Equity Gaps
Tuesday November 19, 2024 10:10am - 11:00am CST
Black youth in Minneapolis/St. Paul currently face the highest disparities in racial wealth gaps, employment, and educational attainment due to systemic challenges that have yet to be dismantled. What do solutions to close these racial equity gaps look like when young adults are not only the center of this work, but co-designers using their lived experience to inform the systems and structures that should be altered to ensure they are not only able to reach their academic and career goals, but thrive. Join this discussion and learn about efforts to create positive, impactful, measurable change.

After this session, you will:
  1. Understand how to bring diverse stakeholders across a complex ecosystem together with common vision.
  2. Understand ways and methods to having young adults at the center of co-designing solutions as active participants in the process.
  3. Understand key insights to the research and the process of prioritizing solutions with young adults."

Ann Anderson

Youth Advisor and Co-Lab Participant
avatar for Heidi Johnson

Heidi Johnson

Senior Vice President, Chief of Staff, ECMC Group
Heidi Johnson is the Senior Vice President, Chief of Staff (COS) for ECMC Group. She works with the executive officer team in the planning and coordination of strategic, highly complex activities across the organization. In addition to her COS role, she leads the Records and Information... Read More →
avatar for Ieesha McKinzie Collins

Ieesha McKinzie Collins

Co-Lab designer and Interim Director of Itasca Project at Greater MSP, ConnextMSP and Itasca Project
avatar for James Cooper

James Cooper

Co-Lab community partner and CEO of James Cooper Consulting, James Cooper Consulting LLC
James Cooper Consulting is a multi-service consulting group specializing in career and workforce development, talent search and recruitment. We empower people with the knowledge, skills, and resources needed to accomplish their desired career goals or execute positive workforce transformation... Read More →
Tuesday November 19, 2024 10:10am - 11:00am CST

11:10am CST

Closing the Educational Equity Gaps by the Year 2030: How We Are Doing It!
Tuesday November 19, 2024 11:10am - 12:00pm CST
This presentation will outline the Equity 2030 Framework for Minnesota State and explain how it guides our work as a system. The presentation will include the key metrics to assess the system’s progress towards Equity 2030 goals, tools and resources that are available systemwide to support this work, and highlight promising practices that help to reduce equity gaps.

This presentation will outline the Equity 2030 Framework for Minnesota State – this was presented to the Board of Trustees in June, and is being rolled out this fall. This will include an overview of the primary goal of Equity 2030, the 6 dimensions that constitute the initiative, and how this work is relevant to everyone, in all roles and functional areas.

The four key metrics will be outlined (student success outcomes including: completion, persistence, course success and co-curricular/campus climate), as well as how this data is disaggregated to examine the equity gaps of key demographics (race/ethnicity, socioeconomic status, first-generation status). Insights will also be shared about the progress our system has made in the first five years of Equity 2030, and reflections on next steps for the remaining five years.

This will be followed by an overview of select systemwide tools, resources and datasets that are available to our system community to leverage in their Equity 2030 work. This will include the Equity Scorecard, Equity by Design, Terms of Equity and Inclusion, Campus Climate assessments, and integrating equity considerations into campus-level evaluation.

The final portion of the presentation will highlight examples of Equity 2030 Promising Practices that have been identified by Minnesota State institutions and leveraged across each of the 6 dimensions of Equity 2030: Enhanced Access, Academic Success, Student Engagement, Evidence-based, Financial Resources, as well as Workforce and Talent Diversity.

By the end of this presentation, audience members will be able to:
  1. Understand the objective of Equity 2030, how progress towards the goals of the strategic initiative is being measured, and how this is relevant to their work.
  2. Be able to locate and access Equity 2030 tools, resources and data sources that can inform their work.
  3. Identify an Equity 2030 promising practice that can be integrated into their own work/role.

Tarnjeet Kang

Director of Equity Assessment, Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system office
Tuesday November 19, 2024 11:10am - 12:00pm CST

11:10am CST

Motivational Influences of Nontraditional Career Seekers
Tuesday November 19, 2024 11:10am - 12:00pm CST
Maybe You Should Fly a Jet, Maybe You Should Be a Vet. Dr Suess emphasized nontraditional occupations more than 40 years ago! …but so much has changed. This interactive session details the results of a comparative study on the motivational influences of nontraditional career seekers in Wisconsin. Topics for this session include the impacts of stereotypes on career choice, real and perceived barriers to entering a nontraditional occupation, and what can schools do to incentivize youth into nontraditional gender programs and vocations. Also, this session seeks to understand what impacts nontraditional gender roles have today on secondary students.

The target audiences for this presentation are secondary and post-secondary teachers, administrators, school counselors, career guidance personnel, and other post-secondary and career advocates curious about motivational factors and passionate about understanding the challenges students face today with career choice.
This interactive session will allow participants to discuss their current practices in incentivizing students into nontraditional programs and vocations. This session will also allow participants to analyze their current practices and identify strategies to engage students interested in nontraditional pathways.

Attendees will be given advanced graphic organizers to triangulate strategies and identify institutional barriers to engaging students interested in nontraditional pathways. Attendees will also be provided with an infographic detailing the results of the study.

After this session, you will be able to:
  • Discuss occupational gender stereotypes.
  • Describe some of the barriers to students entering nontraditional programs and vocations, and
  • Develop strategies to incentivize students into nontraditional gender programs and vocations.

avatar for Dr. Dan Kovach

Dr. Dan Kovach

: Assistant Professor of Career and Technical Education, UW-Stout
avatar for Matt Simoneau

Matt Simoneau

Professor, UW-Stout
Matthew Simoneau is the program director for B.S. Career, Technical Education and Training.Teaching Interests: Principles of Career and Technical Education Instructional Evaluation Performance Analysis Coordination and Supervision of CTE Course Construction Methods of Teaching Postsecondary... Read More →
Tuesday November 19, 2024 11:10am - 12:00pm CST

1:30pm CST

Empowering ESL/English Language Learner Students for Success in Healthcare: Pre-Training Strategies to Enhance English Proficiency for Nursing Assistant Programs
Tuesday November 19, 2024 1:30pm - 2:20pm CST
This session addresses the continual challenge of supporting ESL/ELL students to succeed in healthcare careers, particularly in nursing assistant programs. The focus is developing pre-training programs that enhance English proficiency tailored to healthcare. Participants will explore innovative strategies to align career and technical education with ESL/ELL students' unique needs, ensuring they are well-prepared to enter high-wage, high-skill, and in-demand jobs. The session will highlight best practices, technology integration, and community partnerships that contribute to improved outcomes for these learners.

Due to language barriers, high schools and higher education institutions face ongoing challenges in preparing ESL/ELL students for success in nursing assistant programs. This session presents a comprehensive approach to pre-training these students, equipping them with the necessary English proficiency to thrive in healthcare careers.

Participants will explore:

1. Targeted Language Instruction: Developing healthcare-specific English language curricula that address the vocabulary, communication skills, and cultural nuances critical for success in nursing assistant roles.

2. Innovative Use of Technology: Leveraging Virtual Reality (VR), Mobile Applications (Apps), and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to create immersive language-learning environments that simulate real-life healthcare settings, providing ESL/ELL students with practical, hands-on experience.

3. Supportive Learning Environments: Strategies for creating inclusive and culturally responsive learning environments that accommodate the diverse needs of ESL/ELL students.

4. Partnerships and Resources: How to build and sustain effective partnerships with community organizations, Adult Basic Education (ABE) programs, and healthcare employers to provide comprehensive support, including language assistance, job placement, and ongoing mentorship.

This session is designed for educators, program administrators, and community partners in K-12 and higher education who want to develop or enhance programs that support ESL/ELL students in achieving healthcare career readiness. Attendees will gain actionable insights and resources to implement in their institutions.

After this session, you will be able to:
  • Develop pre-training programs that effectively enhance English proficiency for ESL/ELL students in healthcare, with a focus on nursing assistant roles.
  • Incorporate VR, mobile apps, and AI technologies into ESL/ELL language instruction to create engaging and practical learning experiences.
  • Implement culturally responsive teaching strategies that address ESL/ELL students' unique needs in healthcare education.
  • Foster partnerships that offer comprehensive support to ESL/ELL students, from language development to job placement in healthcare careers.

avatar for Amanda Bell

Amanda Bell

Health Science Instructor, South Central Service Cooperative
With 14 years of experience as a CTE Health Science Instructor, the goal has always been to guide high school students toward discovering their healthcare career paths. The focus remains on making education and workforce readiness more accessible, especially through the use of te... Read More →
Tuesday November 19, 2024 1:30pm - 2:20pm CST

2:30pm CST

My Path and Vocational Rehabilitation Services
Tuesday November 19, 2024 2:30pm - 3:20pm CST
My Path is a CARF accredited Community Partner with Vocational Rehabilitation Services (VRS) of MN. Through this partnership, we work with individuals with disabilities to establish and accomplish their employment related goals. Through this work, we have developed several partnerships with businesses and schools throughout the state. Learn more about the services we provide and the opportunities to partner with My Path.

Our mission is simple, “Build confidence and independence in individuals with disabilities while fostering the courage and perseverance to accomplish their goals.” We accomplish this in several ways. At the core of everything we do is creating opportunities and experiences for the individuals we serve.

When we get a referral from VRS, there is no cost to the participant. The state of MN covers all costs associated with a client working with My Path. We can provide a variety of individualized services which are delivered 1 on 1 with the client and a My Path Employment Specialist. These services can include, Workplace Readiness, Career exploration, Post-Secondary Exploration, Self Advocacy, Introductory Work Activities, Permit Prep, Post-Secondary Support, INdependent LIving Skills, Social Coaching, Public Transportation Training and assistance with job searching for both short term jobs and long term careers. We are able to start working with individuals while they are in high school and can continue to work with them throughout their career journey. There is also no age limit to clients we can work with. With each client we work with, we establish long term goals and short term objectives to make concrete progress on the goals.

Another service we are able to provide is called a “Work Experience.” When a client completes a Work Experience, they work at a business we have established a partnership with, but they are not a former employee of the business. They are employees of My Path, are paid by My Path but work a set and agreed upon schedule at the business. We have partnered with companies across the state including, Walgreens, Caribou Coffee, Fanatics, HyVee, Coborns, TPI Hospitality, Twist Ease, Dedicated Networks, Asmodee, YMCA, and others. We are always looking to establish new partnerships relative to the interests and strengths of our clients.

Aside from Work Experiences, we also offer informational interviews, job shadows, company tours and other ways to increase the understanding of a variety of industries and careers. For example, we have worked with several clients to explore the trades. Some clients have come in with interest and others developed interest after working with us to explore all the trade related careers. Once we have established partnerships, we can work with our clients and VRS offices to help identify clients that would be a good fit for a given industry. In a sense, we can work with companies to recruit qualified candidates.

Through our work with clients, we complete a lot of Postsecondary Exploration and research. This research can include 4 year programs, 2 year programs, certificates and on the job training. Much like our business partnership, we look to establish positive relationships with schools and training opportunities across the state.

My Path hopes and would appreciate the opportunity to present at this year's Career and Technical Education Summit. We want to increase the knowledge and understanding of what we do at My Path, but also how VRS operates and the role they can play in helping individuals find meaningful, long term careers.

After this session, you will be able to:
  • Increase understanding of My Path, the services we provide and the opportunities we provide to our clients.
  • Increase understanding of how VRS operates and the role they play in helping individuals with disabilities find long term meaningful careers.
  • Increase understanding of the variety of ways local businesses, training centers and educational institutes can partner with My Path to increase their enrollment and qualified applicants. 

avatar for Nate Evens

Nate Evens

Owner: My Path Coaching & Consulting, My Path Coaching & Consulting
Tuesday November 19, 2024 2:30pm - 3:20pm CST

3:30pm CST

Meeting the Needs of the Community: How to Develop and Implement a College Program in Spanish
Tuesday November 19, 2024 3:30pm - 4:15pm CST
Highly skilled early childhood educators are important to the children, families, and profession. Some educators are being left out of higher education institutions due to English not being their primary language. Offering college courses in other languages is possible and can help grow the field!

The barriers to transition from an all-English track for awards in Early Childhood Education to adding a second language can be challenging within a State System of Colleges and Universities. The presenters will share what the barriers were and how they overcame them to establish the first Spanish Language award at their college.

You'll learn how to:
  • Outline the process to determine if a different language track for program courses is viable.
  • Identify barriers to adding different language tracks at an institute of higher education.
  • Chart a path to higher award levels in different languages or adding multiple languages to a program. 

avatar for Carolina DuFault

Carolina DuFault

Early Childhood Education Faculty, Minneapolis Community and Technical College
Carolina DuFault is the current Bilingual Early Childhood Education Faculty at Minneapolis College, where she teaches courses in both Spanish and English. She previously served as the District Program Facilitator for the Department of Early Childhood at Minneapolis Public Schools... Read More →

Hope Doerner

Early Childhood Education Faculty, Minneapolis College
Tuesday November 19, 2024 3:30pm - 4:15pm CST
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