EVENT LOCATION: Crowne Plaza Minneapolis West Hotel, 3131 Campus Drive, Plymouth, MN (hotel website)
WEBSITE: https://www.minnstate.edu/cte-works-summit

THEME: This year’s Summit centers on a deceptively simple yet profoundly impactful theme: Listening.

In a noisy world, listening is not passive - it’s an intentional act of leadership. Turn down the volume and tune in to the voices that matter most—the people we serve. Together, let’s amplify the power of listening to transform education, strengthen communities, and shape a more connected future for career and technical education in Minnesota.

Why listening, and why now?
  • The pace of change continues to accelerate. To adapt and innovate effectively, we must listen closely to the needs, challenges, and aspirations of those we serve.
  • The most impactful solutions often come from those closest to the problems. Listening amplifies voices that have too often been marginalized and overlooked.
  • Data speaks volumes - if we’re attuned to hear it. Sharpening our listening skills helps us glean actionable insights from the wealth of information at our fingertips.
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Wednesday, November 20

7:00am CST

Registration Desk Opens and Breakfast Buffet
Wednesday November 20, 2024 7:00am - 8:00am CST
Wednesday November 20, 2024 7:00am - 8:00am CST

8:00am CST

AI: The New Economic Powerhouse or Just a Fancy Spell Checker?
Wednesday November 20, 2024 8:00am - 8:50am CST
Step into the shadows of the digital revolution and uncover the enigma that's silently reshaping the economic landscape. Is artificial intelligence the key to unlocking unprecedented prosperity, or merely smoke and mirrors in the world of ones and zeros?

In this thought-provoking talk, we'll peel back the curtain on AI's true impact:

  • The Invisible Hand: From revolutionizing healthcare to optimizing agriculture and enhancing tech innovation, AI is the new technology on the block. But is it a helping hand or a hidden puppeteer?
  • The Oracle's Prophecy: Decode the cryptic future of Minnesota's job market. Will AI be your ally or your replacement?
  • The Alchemist's Secret: Learn the arcane art of thriving in an AI-enhanced world. Remember, it's not about outrunning the machine, but outsmarting it.

Prepare to question everything you thought you knew about the future of work. We’ll walk through what it means for workers with high and low exposure to AI in their jobs. AI might not take your job, but the person who masters its mysteries just might.
Wednesday November 20, 2024 8:00am - 8:50am CST
Regency Ballroom

9:00am CST

Keynote: Anton Treuer with host, Josefina Landrieu
Wednesday November 20, 2024 9:00am - 10:00am CST
avatar for Anton Treuer, PhD

Anton Treuer, PhD

Professor, Author, Speaker, and Trainer, Bemidji State University
Dr. Anton Treuer (pronounced troy-er) is Professor of Ojibwe at Bemidji State University and distinguished author. He has a B.A. from Princeton University and a M.A. and Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota. He is Editor of the Oshkaabewis (pronounced o-shkaah-baywis) Native Journal... Read More →
avatar for Josefina Landrieu, PhD

Josefina Landrieu, PhD

Vice President of Equity and Inclusion, Metropolitan State University
Wednesday November 20, 2024 9:00am - 10:00am CST
Regency Ballroom

10:10am CST

Embedding the Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential in Early Childhood Education (ECE) Programs
Wednesday November 20, 2024 10:10am - 11:00am CST
Explore the benefits of the Child Development Associate® (CDA) credential™ —a nationally recognized certification that boosts professional development and educational quality in early childhood settings. By embedding the CDA® Credential into secondary Early Childhood Education programs, educators can equip students with valuable qualifications that offers a direct pathway to both employment and higher education. Attendees will gain a thorough understanding of how to integrate the CDA® Credential into their programs, along with the benefits it offers and the steps needed to support students and staff.

The Child Development Associate® (CDA) credential™ is the most widely recognized credential in early childhood education (ECE) and a key stepping stone on the path of career advancement in ECE. The CDA® credential is based on a set of Competency Standards that guide ECE professionals as they work toward becoming qualified teachers of young children.

In this session, participants will explore the benefits of embedding the CDA® credential within ECE programs at the secondary level. Learn how to integrate the CDA® into educational frameworks, establish partnerships with local childcare centers, and supporting students in meeting the 480-hour work experience requirement.

By integrating this credential, you’ll contribute to higher standards of care and education within your community. Join us to learn how you can help shape the future of early childhood by enhancing student employability and expertise while elevating the overall quality of the ECE career pathway.

After this session, you will be able to:

  • Understand the benefits of the CDA® Credential and its role in Early Childhood Education.
  • Learn how to integrate the CDA® Credential into secondary CTE programs, creating a structured pathway that aligns with industry standards and prepares students for employment and further education.
  • Acquire strategies on how to support students in meeting the CDA® requirements.

avatar for Kelly Kazeck, Department of Children, Families, and Youth

Kelly Kazeck, Department of Children, Families, and Youth

Early Childhood Workforce Collaboration Specialist, Minnesota Department of Children, Youth, and Families
Wednesday November 20, 2024 10:10am - 11:00am CST

10:10am CST

Empowering Futures: Engaging Students in Healthcare Career Exploration
Wednesday November 20, 2024 10:10am - 11:00am CST
Discover innovative strategies to spark student interest in healthcare careers. This presentation provides CTE leaders with practical tools and insights to inspire and guide students towards rewarding careers in the healthcare industry. Learn how to integrate career exploration into school programming and create meaningful pathways for student success in the dynamic field of healthcare. Hands-on activities and friendly competition included!

Summer Hagy

Executive Director, Minnesota HOSA - Future Health Professionals
Wednesday November 20, 2024 10:10am - 11:00am CST

10:10am CST

So You Want to Build a House - A Trade and Industry Resource Guide
Wednesday November 20, 2024 10:10am - 11:00am CST
In a fast-paced environment where it is challenging to keep up with all of the advancements in the field, Trade and Industrial Technology (T&I) teachers seek to keep their skills and knowledge base up to date. Many T&I teachers are also asked to teach in more than one program area, which requires additional training beyond their primary expertise.

This session is offered as an opportunity for members of the Trade & Industry community to contribute the development of additional, targeted professional development experiences.

The session will principally be a chance for attendees to provide perspective to the topics to be pursued, the optimum delivery methods of those topics, and suggestions for potential partners from high education and industry.

By the end of this session, participants will be able to contribute feedback and share best practices for the Trade & Industry community around student-built structure programs. They will have the opportunity to
  • Contribute input to the resource
  • Help develop professional development opportunities
  • Build a cohort of teachers running house building programs.

The purpose of this session is to inform the community about the resource, improve and expand this and additional resources, and help new programs to be established. The information gathered will be used to enhance the resource, identify new assets, and expand the districts offering programs.
avatar for Mary Berg

Mary Berg

Work-Based Learning Specialist, MDE

Tim Barrett

Trade and Industry Specialist, Minnesota Department of Education
Wednesday November 20, 2024 10:10am - 11:00am CST

10:10am CST

Weaving Employment and Trade Skills Into Curriculum
Wednesday November 20, 2024 10:10am - 11:00am CST
K-12 educators were funded to engage in 30+ hours of industry-based work experiences with the goal to enhance an element of their curricula and apply trades skills in the classroom. Learning from their time in the field educators were challenged to build connections with local industries and new experiences for all students.

Doug Androli
Issac Ydstie
Cindy Jacobs

After this session attendees will be able to:  
  • Understand the value of hands-on working experience for classroom educators.
  • Identify ideas for implementing trades skills in their own classrooms.
  • Motivate the development of local partnerships with local industry and careers 

Wednesday November 20, 2024 10:10am - 11:00am CST

10:10am CST

KEYNOTE Breakout: Everything You Wanted to Know About Indians But Were Afraid to Ask
Wednesday November 20, 2024 10:10am - 11:00am CST
Everything You Wanted to Know About Indians But Were Afraid to Ask
avatar for Anton Treuer, PhD

Anton Treuer, PhD

Professor, Author, Speaker, and Trainer, Bemidji State University
Dr. Anton Treuer (pronounced troy-er) is Professor of Ojibwe at Bemidji State University and distinguished author. He has a B.A. from Princeton University and a M.A. and Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota. He is Editor of the Oshkaabewis (pronounced o-shkaah-baywis) Native Journal... Read More →
Wednesday November 20, 2024 10:10am - 11:00am CST
Regency Ballroom

10:10am CST

How Business and College Partnerships can Enhance Student's Opportunities for Success
Wednesday November 20, 2024 10:10am - 11:00am CST
Hear how the Spring Lake Park Schools have created partnerships with local industry and colleges to provide students with opportunities for success. The Career and College Readiness Center at Spring Lake Park offers a wide-array of options so each student leaves the district with career and college skills.

What you'll gain from this session:

  • Participants in this session will be able to take ideas related to direct career readiness skills back to their schools to support student interests in post-secondary success.
  • School counselors or advisors will be able to help students and parents navigate best practices for learning more about college readiness from a wide range of perspectives(financial, academic, location, FAFSA, etc).
  • Participants will be able to take what is presented and reach out to local partners in industry, training, and education to provide a vast array of opportunities for staff and students. 

avatar for Eric Van Brocklin

Eric Van Brocklin

Career Pathways Lead, Spring Lake Park Schools

Jennifer Blaido

Counselor, Spring Lake Park High School
I am currently serving the role of Counselor for Career and College Readiness at Spring Lake Park High School.  This is a NEW role and I am currently developing programming around Career services for our students.  I am a rookie and very excited to learn more!
Wednesday November 20, 2024 10:10am - 11:00am CST

10:10am CST

Understanding Career and Technical Education College Faculty: Assumptions and Implications
Wednesday November 20, 2024 10:10am - 11:00am CST
Creating inclusive environments for our college CTE learners across Minnesota will not happen without fostering faculty awareness and investment. Yet CTE faculty participation in professional development remains low, especially around culturally responsive teaching practices. In this interactive session, presenters will share their research to understand faculty reluctance and plans to create a CTE-centric structure for professional development. We will share our findings and engage attendees through review of our assumptions, interpretations, and implications for effective professional development opportunities for CTE faculty.

Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs make up most of the programs offered at our 26 Minnesota State community and technical colleges and rely on faculty to provide high-quality instruction and welcoming, student-centered learning environments. Supporting the training and professional development of these faculty is a systemwide priority because we know that good faculty development can lead to improvements in student learning and success (Dickens, et al., 2018). Additionally, the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V) requires Minnesota State to use state leadership funds to support the professional development of CTE faculty (Advance CTE, 2021). However, although our system continues to expand faculty learning opportunities, particularly through college Centers for Teaching and Learning and our systemwide online Minnesota State Network for Educational Development, participation by CTE faculty continues to be low in the many workshops, webinars and short courses offered, and even more so on topics related to culturally responsive teaching practices and student engagement. Why is this? What accounts for the lack of participation by CTE faculty in our current professional development structures and offerings?

The presenters are Minnesota State faculty and professional developers striving to understand what will work best to move the needle for CTE faculty on participation in professional learning and ultimately to changes in teaching practices.

For this research project, we identified the following outcomes: 
  • Compile a clearer picture of who our CTE faculty are, why they teach, and what they value. 
  • Identify why technical faculty do or do not participate in current professional development opportunities offered, especially around culturally responsive teaching. 
  • Identify the training and professional development needs, and how best to support and deliver that professional development, to Minnesota State career and technical faculty.    
  • Design a framework and structure to meet the professional development needs of Minnesota State CTE faculty to encourage and support teaching and learning to meet the needs of all students, including those from special populations. 

We are driven by our interest in expanding the knowledge, skills, and reflective practices to equip CTE faculty with pedagogical skills that enhance their teaching effectiveness and ultimately enrich the learning experiences for students, especially our diverse student populations. This presentation will share our research project and findings, including a review of the project design and data collected through a statewide survey. We will engage the audience in our interpretation of those findings and challenge attendees to review our assumptions, enhance our interpretations, and work with us to expand and articulate the implications for effective professional development opportunities for CTE faculty.

Advance CTE. (April, 2021). Perkins V supports teacher recruitment and retention. Advance CTE Research Reports. Retrieved February 3, 2024 from https://careertech.org/resource/perkins-v-supports-teacher-recruitment-and-retention/  

Dickens, E., Cruz, L., Alderson, J., Atias, D., Graham, R., Hurney, C.A., Parker, M., Smentkowski, B., Smitherman, M., Thomas, M. Troisi, J.D., Vincent-Layton, K., & Wang, C. (2019). Starting a Center for Teaching and Learning. POD Speaks 3, 1–6.  

After this session, you'll learn how to:
  • Assemble a more accurate picture of who our Minnesota State CTE faculty are, what they value, and what factors affect their engagement in professional development, particularly for culturally responsive teaching.  
  • Assess the needs and identify the training and professional development needs of college CTE faculty.
  • Develop a Human-Centered Framework: Establish a collaborative, human-centered approach that involves CTE faculty in creating relevant and effective professional development. 

avatar for Yingfah Thao

Yingfah Thao

Director of Profesional Development for Career and Technical Education, Minnesota State System Office
I bring a human-centered approach to everything I do and consider every problem I encounter—big or small—a design challenge. I'm a staunch advocate for creating and delivering delightful user experiences for humans. In my current position, I apply UX and human-centered design... Read More →
Wednesday November 20, 2024 10:10am - 11:00am CST

10:10am CST

Competencies For Career Readiness Across Industry: The New Skills-Based Landscape
Wednesday November 20, 2024 10:10am - 11:00am CST
Developing a new generation of diverse workers requires a focus on how different workplaces and industry view competencies and their skill sets. With the advent of Skills-based Hiring and Employee Development Practices being on the minds of employers statewide concerning everything from job descriptions to professional development and advancement, this session works to describe the hiring design that an increasing number of employers are implementing. This session then offers strategies in how best to support the education of students as they learn to understand and incorporate competitive competencies for the future.

After this session, you will:

  • Explore how different industries view the same competency in terms of it's skill sets and whether it is occupational, foundation, required, preferred, internal/technical. This for the purpose transferring this knowledge into teaching experiences.  
  • Develop an understanding of rubrics and tools employers may use in developing job descriptions, defining competency levels in applicants, and developing onboarding. This for the purpose of morphing these tools into teaching aids for career readiness.
  • Gain insight into how instilling overall competency knowledge into students can provide young workers with a vocabulary and perspective to advocate for their training and development.

avatar for Allen Mavis M.Ed

Allen Mavis M.Ed

Workforce Development Training Specialist, Goodwill - Easter Seals Minnesota / Minnesota Skills-Based Hiring Accelerator
I believe in workforce development training to bring about empowered labor forces and productive businesses!Teaching and empowering students in competencies and the skills within them will prepare them for a powerful seat at the hiring table as employers unravel the true complexities... Read More →
Wednesday November 20, 2024 10:10am - 11:00am CST

11:10am CST

Nitro-X: A Look into the Successes of the Minnesota State Transportation Center of Excellence's Middle School Outreach Program
Wednesday November 20, 2024 11:10am - 12:00pm CST
Nitro-X is an outreach resource of the Minnesota State Transportation Center of Excellence, specifically designed for middle school students as a way to introduce them to the exploration of transportation careers. This session will showcase the event, discuss recent successes and partnerships, and next steps in the growth of this resource.

Ask a student what they want to be when they grow up and you are likely to get a wide variety of answers, but the important part of that answer is that they are able to give an answer to that question at a relatively early age.  They are already considering a job or career at very young ages.  The Minnesota State Transportation Center of Excellence (TCOE) has created Nitro-X as a resource for colleges and industry to engage the middle school learner and expose them to career exploration in the transportation sector.  This is accomplished through a week-long, summer-time day camp where students build confidence in the use of tools, build a remote control car, and go on multiple field trips to industry locations, culminating in a race day where they can race and repair their vehicles.

"Middle schoolers are at a critical age of exploration and reflection as they more deeply learn about what they like to do. Learning about careers during these formative years can help them to set goals, build motivation for school work, and reduce anxiety as they think about their future. Career exposure in middle school can also be important to inform students’ decisions about electives in high school or extracurricular participation." (The Importance, 2023). The TCOE Nitro-X resource aims to influence the participant to consider transportation careers as an option.

This session will showcase the event and give an overview of the events and function of the day camps. It will also discuss recent successes and partnerships, and share next steps in the potential growth of this resource possibly scaling into a regional or nation-wide resource.

The Importance of Career Exposure in Elementary, Middle, and High School, SchoolLinks, 11 Sept. 2023, www.schoolinks.com/resource/the-importance-of-career-exposure-in-elementary-middle-and-high-school.

After this session, you will:
  • Have a better understanding of the Nitro-X summer camps.
  • Learn how the TCOE is working to grow this event on a larger scale.
  • Understand how partnerships can be utilized to make successful events


Carl W Borleis

Director of Program Excellence, Transportation Center of Excellence
Transportation, Workforce Development, continuous improvement, trucking, FMCSA regulations.
avatar for Llewellyn Olivier

Llewellyn Olivier

Director of Outreach, Minnesota State Transportation Center of Excellence
I’m Llewellyn "Lew" Olivier, the Director of Outreach for the Minnesota State Transportation Center of Excellence. In my role, I work closely with schools, educators, and industry experts to advance education in key areas of the transportation industry. Our center supports six core... Read More →
Wednesday November 20, 2024 11:10am - 12:00pm CST

11:10am CST

Problem Solving Career Pathways in Your District
Wednesday November 20, 2024 11:10am - 12:00pm CST
**Unlocking Career Pathways Success: Expert Solutions with Saint Paul Public Schools**

Join us for an interactive session where Saint Paul Public Schools Career Pathways staff will share their expertise to help your school or district tackle specific challenges in developing and managing career pathways. Discover best practices in partnerships, Perkins funding, K-12 career pathways development, marketing and engagement strategies, internships, and certifications. Bring your questions and we hope you leave with actionable solutions tailored to your needs.

After this session, you'll learn about:

Strategic Partnership Development: Attendees will learn how to build and sustain effective partnerships with industry, community organizations, and educational institutions to enhance career pathways and provide more opportunities for students.

Optimized Use of Perkins Funding: Participants will gain insights into best practices for utilizing Perkins funding to support and expand career pathways programs, including how to align funding with program goals and maximize its impact on student outcomes.

Comprehensive Career Pathways Implementation: Attendees will acquire practical strategies for developing and implementing K-12 career pathways, including designing impactful internships, leveraging certifications, and employing effective marketing techniques to engage students and stakeholders.

Anna Morawiecki

Career Pathways Supervisor, Saint Paul Public Schools
Wednesday November 20, 2024 11:10am - 12:00pm CST

11:10am CST

Experiential Learning in Rural Minnesota
Wednesday November 20, 2024 11:10am - 12:00pm CST
Experiential learning in rural Minnesota schools can be challenging. Despite the challenges, there are opportunities for schools and partnerships to be nimble and innovative, develop personal relationships with students, and collaborate with other schools in their region. This session will focus on a multi-stakeholder effort to integrate schools, employers, local government, and community resources to provide meaningful experiential learning for high school students in Fillmore County and Houston County in Southeast Minnesota.

After this session, you will be able to:
  • Session participants will be able to articulate potential action steps to secure meaningful multi-sector partnerships for the benefit of rural schools and communities.
  • Session participants will be able to reflect on the potential integration of their existing partnerships to achieve a robust experiential learning program.
  • Session participants will be able to contribute to dialogue on their local and regional efforts with experiential learning. 

avatar for Brian Cashman

Brian Cashman

Coordinator of Alternative Programs, Goodhue County Education District
Brian is the districtwide Coordinator of Alternative Programs in the Goodhue County Education District and the Secondary Consortium Coordinator for the Perkins V Federal Grant in the Southeast Minnesota consortium.
Wednesday November 20, 2024 11:10am - 12:00pm CST

11:10am CST

Transforming Education Through Strategic Partnerships: From Secondary Schools to Apprenticeships and Beyond
Wednesday November 20, 2024 11:10am - 12:00pm CST
HTC Works, led by Hennepin Technical College, showcases a pioneering partnership between secondary, postsecondary, and work-based learning providers. By aligning business and school programs, it enhances post-graduation pathways with a college-sponsored registered apprenticeship—a novel approach in MN. Achievements include increasing WBL participation from 4.6% to 12.29% and expanding school involvement, with a goal to reach 14% by 2028.

This presentation explores a transformative partnership bridging secondary education, higher education, and work-based learning (WBL) to create impactful pathways for students. This collaboration has developed robust internships and a pioneering Registered Apprenticeship Program (RAP), showcasing an innovative approach to education and workforce alignment in Minnesota.  Hennepin West Consortium (HWC) partnership aimed to align programs and initiatives to meet the needs of businesses and schools, amplifying opportunities for students. The core objective to create a seamless pathway from high school to post-graduation, enhancing career readiness.

Leveraging the Partnership to Advance Youth Apprenticeships (PAYA) grant, students aided in the designed recruitment strategies. They identifying key areas for valuable work experience during high school and tackled program implementation challenges, emphasizing authentic local experiences.

The second phase aimed to position Hennepin Technical College (HTC) as a RAP sponsor, inspired by Trident Technical College in South Carolina. This strategic move offered students structured post-graduation opportunities. Research into Trident Technical College’s “Equip Your Workforce” ecosystem provided valuable insights. Collaborations with Apprenticeship MN and funding from the Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) facilitated the adaptation of proven strategies to Minnesota.

The partnership has expanded WBL opportunities, with secondary participation at HWC growing from 4.6% in 2021 to 12.29% in 2023. School participation increased from 4 secondary school districts in 2021 to 10 in 2024. Minnesota’s Perkins determined performance measure is set at a 14% WBL participation rate by 2028, with HWC on track to meet this by 2024.

This presentation highlights the success of a collaborative partnership integrating secondary education, college programs, and a WBL solutions provider through innovative program development, strategic partnerships, and community engagement. This initiative has created valuable pathways for students, addresses critical needs in education, and prepares Minnesota’s future workforce NOW and not years in the future.

After this session, you will:

  • Understand HWC’s Strategic Partnership Model between secondary, postsecondary, and work-based learning (WBL) providers.
  • Understand Ecosystem Benefits: Gain insights into how this collaboration aligns educational programs with industry needs to create impactful pathways for students, including the development of internships and a pioneering Registered Apprenticeship Program.
  • Identify Key Phases of Program Development, partner engagement, and creating post-graduation exit-ramps.
  • Understand and Apply Best Practices, research and application of PAYA’s best practices that informed the program's design and implementation.
  • Analyze and Evaluate Impact of the Hennepin West Consortium’s Youth Apprenticeship initiative, including increases in work-based learning participation and expanded school involvement.
  • Learn Creative Innovative Solutions to Overcome Challenges faced, particularly in navigating complex apprenticeship regulations, leveraging out-of-state WBL intermediaries, and community engagement in order to overcome and enhance program effectiveness.

avatar for Jason Jones

Jason Jones

Perkins & Pathways Coordinator, Hennepin Technical College
I entered in the MinnState College system in 2006 teaching math. My career as faculty continued until Aug 2019, when I accepted an opportunity to manage the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V) grant for our college. I'm a father of 2 beautiful... Read More →

Mandy Janssen

Solutions Development Director, GPS Education Partners
Wednesday November 20, 2024 11:10am - 12:00pm CST

11:10am CST

Bridging the Gap: Exploring the Intersection of STEM and Career and Technical Education (CTE)
Wednesday November 20, 2024 11:10am - 12:00pm CST
As we continue to advance our efforts in education and workforce development, the intersection of STEM and CTE presents a unique opportunity to prepare students for the future. This session will bring together education thought leaders from both STEM and CTE to explore how they can work together to create a more robust learning experience. Through a moderated panel discussion, participants will gain insights into successful integration strategies and discover new opportunities for collaboration.

This session will bring together education thought leaders from both the STEM and Career and Technical Education (CTE) fields to explore the dynamic intersection of these two critical areas. As the demand for a skilled workforce in STEM-related fields continues to grow, CTE programs have become increasingly important. This panel discussion will delve into how together, STEM and CTE create more comprehensive and impactful educational experiences for students.

Attendees will leave with actionable ideas to enhance their programs and better prepare students for high-demand careers in STEM-related fields. This session will also serve as a platform for building stronger connections between the STEM and CTE communities, fostering a shared commitment to student success and innovation in education.

Session Objectives:
  • Highlight Synergies: Examine the natural synergies between STEM and CTE and how they can be leveraged to enhance student learning and career readiness.
  • Overcoming Challenges: Discuss the challenges of aligning STEM education with CTE pathways and explore solutions to overcome these barriers.
  • Future Opportunities: Explore future opportunities for collaboration between STEM and CTE to better prepare students for the evolving workforce.
Target Audience:
Educators, administrators, policymakers, and industry professionals interested in the intersection of STEM and CTE, and those looking to innovate and strengthen their educational programs.

The panel will feature leading experts from both STEM and CTE fields, including:
[Tim Barrett, Trade & Industry Specialist, MDE] – CTE, curriculum design education and workforce development.
[Sarah Carter, STEM/Computer Science Integration Specialist]– STEM curriculum design and implementation.
[Aaron Sykes, Assistant Director, National Center for Autonomous Technologies] – Emerging technology, workforce development, with experience in STEM-CTE partnerships.
[Melissa Huppert, Ph.D., STEM Outreach Director, Minnesota State Engineering Center of Excellence] – STEM program design and STEM outreach.
[Vic Dreier, Sr. Director School Success, Project Lead the Way] – STEM and CTE program integration and outreach.

[Emily Saed, Director, MN STEM Ecosystem] – CTE and STEM collaboration facilitator, CTE-STEM network development and outreach.

Learning Outcomes for Participants:
  • Enhance Student Career Readiness: Participants will learn how the integration of STEM and CTE can better prepare students for high-demand careers, ensuring they possess both technical skills and critical STEM competencies.
  • Explore Opportunities for Collaboration: Educators and administrators will discover new opportunities for collaboration between STEM and CTE to create more robust and interconnected learning pathways.
  • Incorporate Emerging Technologies and Trends: Attendees will gain insights into how emerging technologies and current STEM trends can be beneficial to CTE programs, keeping them relevant and forward-thinking.
  • Design Cross-Disciplinary Projects: Educators will better understand how cross-disciplinary learning combining STEM and CTE can support problem-solving, creativity, and workforce readiness.
  • Apply Insights to Curriculum Development: Attendees will be equipped with actionable ideas and resources to refine and develop their own curricula to meet the needs of today’s workforce.

These learning outcomes will help participants leave the session with practical knowledge and strategies they can apply to improve their programs and better prepare students for future careers.

Aaron Sykes

National Center for Autonomous Technologies
Aaron is the STEM Outreach Coordinator for the National Center for Autonomous Technologies.  He has over a decade of experience in teaching drones and flying drones professionally. 

Emily Saed

Director of the MN STEM Ecosystem, MN STEM Ecosystem (Southeast Service Cooperative)
avatar for Melissa Huppert

Melissa Huppert

Director of STEM Outreach, Minnesota State Engineering Center of Excellence
Dr. Melissa Huppert has over 10 years of experience developing innovative, experiential learning-based STEM activities, curriculum, and programs for youth.
avatar for Sarah Carter

Sarah Carter

Education Specialist, MDE
Sarah Carter is the STEM and Computer Science Integration Specialist at the Minnesota Department of Education, providing technical assistance to districts and teachers to support integrated STEM and the integration of computer science into Minnesota’s Academic Standards. Sarah has... Read More →

Tim Barrett

Trade and Industry Specialist, Minnesota Department of Education

Vic Dreier

Director of School Engagement, Minnesota, Project Lead the Way
Wednesday November 20, 2024 11:10am - 12:00pm CST

11:10am CST

Preparing for Careers in Solar Energy: An Innovative Collaboration Between Education and Industry
Wednesday November 20, 2024 11:10am - 12:00pm CST
To support schools to effectively implement components of the Solar for Schools legislation, a solar energy company partnered with a science educator to design hands-on educational modules for elementary and high school students to support solar energy career readiness and interest in STEAM learning and careers. Join us to learn about this collaboration and how CTE educators and industry professionals can partner to prepare K-12 students for high-wage, high-skill, high-demand careers.

This presentation will focus on the collaborative efforts of industry and education professionals to design interdisciplinary educational modules focused on solar energy concepts and careers for 5th grade and high school students.  Presenters will share information about the legislative process that inspired this work, their process for working together to understand and meet the diverse needs of interested parties, and the benefits of this collaborative effort for the solar energy company and industry, schools, and students.  They will also lead discussions with participants to brainstorm ideas for future industry-education partnerships to support CTE teaching and learning to prepare K-12 students for high-wage, high-skill, high-demand careers.

Participants will be able to:
  • Describe connections between legislation and innovation in Career & Technical Education.
  • Describe connections between the strengths and needs of both industry and education.
  • Explain the importance of collaboration between industry and education to support career readiness in CTE fields.

avatar for Marci Levy-Maguire

Marci Levy-Maguire

Director of Communications & Strategic Partnerships/Perkins Consortium Coordinator, Intermediate School District 917/Dakota County Perkins Consortium
Wednesday November 20, 2024 11:10am - 12:00pm CST

11:10am CST

Encouraging the Next Generation of Teachers: Building a High School Educator Pathway
Wednesday November 20, 2024 11:10am - 12:00pm CST
This presentation will highlight strategies used to develop Saint Paul Public Schools Education Pathway for High School students. The goal of the Education Pathway is to provide opportunities for students, specifically students who identify as students of color to explore the field of education.

Learn how new Education Pathway courses were developed, how to create paid internships for students, develop scholarships and learn ways to grow quality partnerships that benefit students exploring education related careers.

You will walk away with resources, ideas and connections to help build and support an educator pathway for high school students.

After thissession, you will be able to:
  • Identify strategies to develop a High School Educator Pathway.
  • Determine different ways to help students explore careers in Education.
  • Learn how to create partnerships that will support students exploring Education.

avatar for Courtney Gbolo

Courtney Gbolo

Education Pathway Specialist, Saint Paul Public Schools
Wednesday November 20, 2024 11:10am - 12:00pm CST

11:10am CST

Registered Apprenticeship 101: What is Apprenticeship and How to Talk About It
Wednesday November 20, 2024 11:10am - 12:00pm CST
Registered apprenticeship is a time-tested workforce training model that provides people with stable employment, including family sustaining wages and benefits. Currently, Black, Indigenous, and People of Color represent only 13% of apprentices and females make up 8% of apprentices statewide. Understanding that young adults carry such a large weight in the apprenticeship numbers, it is important to perform targeted outreach to younger populations. One way to achieve this is by giving students who are already interested in technical education the tools they need to succeed in a registered apprenticeship program. This informational session will consist of two sections: What is Registered Apprenticeship? How to Educate Students about Registered Apprenticeship.

The first section of the presentation will inform participants about registered apprenticeships. Educators will understand the difference between approved registered apprentice programs, non-registered apprenticeships, and internships. This includes requirements for a registered apprenticeship program, what occupations are apprenticeable, and resources to connect students to apprenticeship opportunities. The second section will discuss the importance of providing students with information about registered apprenticeship programs and supporting career exploration, and what CTE educators’ role in this can look like. Specific topics include, how to prepare students for the registered apprenticeship search process, how to include registered apprenticeship education into course curriculums, and how to connect students with local programs and training centers.

After this session, you will:
  • Have a basic understanding about what registered apprenticeship is.
  • Learn how to best prepare students for a registered apprenticeship.
  • Receive resources to help guide students through the registered apprenticeship search process.

Statistics gathered from USDOL’s Apprenticeship USA Website

Naomi Cowan

Outreach and Education Coordinator, Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry- Apprenticeship
Wednesday November 20, 2024 11:10am - 12:00pm CST

12:10pm CST

Closing Remarks & Wrap Up
Wednesday November 20, 2024 12:10pm - 12:30pm CST
Wednesday November 20, 2024 12:10pm - 12:30pm CST
Regency Ballroom

1:00pm CST

Post-Summit Business Meetings (Invite only)
Wednesday November 20, 2024 1:00pm - 2:30pm CST
These post-Summit business meetings are invite-only. If you are scheduled to be in one of these meetings, please reach out to the organizer listed below. Room locations will be posted by Nov. 19. 

Articulated College All Partners Meeting
Contact: Jason Jones
Room: TBD

Perkins New Mentor Group
Contact: Sue Selland-Miller
Room: TBD

avatar for Jason Jones

Jason Jones

Perkins & Pathways Coordinator, Hennepin Technical College
I entered in the MinnState College system in 2006 teaching math. My career as faculty continued until Aug 2019, when I accepted an opportunity to manage the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V) grant for our college. I'm a father of 2 beautiful... Read More →
avatar for Sarah Shanley

Sarah Shanley

Currently proudly working as the Northeast Metro Perkins Partnership and Grant Coordinator at 916 Career and Tech High School.
avatar for Sue Selland-Miller

Sue Selland-Miller

Associate System Director for CTE, Minnesota State Department of Education
Wednesday November 20, 2024 1:00pm - 2:30pm CST
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